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Construction Management


Construction Management is the perfect program for those who enjoy working with their hands and have an appreciation for beautiful craftsmanship. Students in this program learn all about the construction process while gaining practical skills used in residential and light-commercial construction projects. Upon completion of the Construction Management program at Snow College, you’ll be prepared for a wide variety of careers within the construction industry.

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Skills Taught

  • Effective oral and written communication
  • Effective teamwork
  • 业务 management
  • Understanding of materials, methods, and processes of the construction industry
  • Decision-making, critical thinking, exercising good judgement
  • Entry-level construction skills

Career 选项 for Graduates

  • Construction management
  • Building contractor
  • Cabinet and millworker
  • Carpenter
  • Subcontractor
  • Estimator
  • Architectural designer
One Semester

One Semester

Certificate of Proficiency in Construction Management

Certificate of Proficiency in Cabinetry and Architectural Woodwork



Certificate of Completion in Construction Management


2 years (63 credits)

Associate of Applied Science



$85/credit, $1530-$5355

Student Fees


* 学费 and fees are subject to change.



$100+ depending on quality purchased.


$500+/- depending which classes and taking advantage of publisher pricing options.

秋天 Semester


春天 Semester


Students may start this program at the beginning of the fall or spring semesters (August or January)

Outlook Up

8% Growth

Job Outlook



Annual Median 工资 for Construction Managers


Ephraim Campus

Ephraim Campus

Certificate of Completion in Construction Management

课程# Title Credit Hours
CM 1155 Construction Print Reading 3
CM 2020 Materials and Methods 3
CM 2275 Construction Codes and Zoning 3
CM 2460 Construction Scheduling and 成本 Control 3
CM 2850 Construction Math and Estimating 3
CM 1210 or CM 1710 Construction Technologies Lab I or II 3
  Core Credits- Complete All 18
CM 1200 Building Science Fundamentals 3
CM 1290 Residential Electrical Wiring 3
CM 1710 Construction Technologies Lab II 3
CM 2030 Materials and Methods II 3
CM 2610 Architectural Drafting CAD 3
DRFT 1100 Architecture-Residential Design 3
  Elective Courses- Choose 2 6
BUS 1270* Strategic Selling 3
汽车2200年 业务 Communications 3
汽车2450年 Presentations for 业务 3
ENGL 1010 Expository Composition 3
  Communication Requirement- Choose 1 3
汽车1170年 Human Realtions in Organizations SS GE 3
通讯2110 Interpersonal Communications 3
  Human Relations Rquirement-Choose 1 3
AT 1715 Applied Technical Math 3
MATH 1050 College Algebra 4
  Computation Requirement- Choose 1 3
  Total Required Credits 33-34
*Required for 业务 Entrepreneurial Certificate

Certificate of Proficiency Cabinetry and Architectural Woodwork

课程# Title Credit Hours
CM 1155 Construction Print Reading 3
CM 2150 Cabinet Construction 3
CM 2690 Woodworking Technology 3
CM 2850 Construction Math & Estimating 3
  Required Courses 12
*BUS 1020 Computer Technology and Applications 3
*BUS 1060 Quick书 for Small 业务 3
*汽车1170年 Human Relations in Organizations 3
汽车1210年 Personal and Consumer Finance 3
汽车2200年 业务 Communications 3
汽车2450年 Presentations for 业务 3
  业务 Courses- Choose 2 6
  Total Credits 18

*Required for 业务 Entrepreneurial Certificate

AAS in Construction Management

课程# Title Credit Hours
Certificate of Completion Construction Management 33-34
CM 1200 Building Science Fundamentals 3
CM 1210 or CM 1710 Take whichever you didn't do for certificate 3
CM 2030 Materials and Methods II 3
CM 2610 Architectural Drafting 3
  Total Core Courses (18 from CC) 12
CM 1290 Electrical Wiring 3
CM 1997 Internship- First Year 1-3
CM 2010 Framing Methods 5
CM 2150 Cabinet Construction 3
CM 2210 Construction Technologies Lab III 3
CM 2710 Construction Technologies Lab IV 3
CM 2997 Internship- Second Year 1-3
ENGR 2240 Surveying and Global Positioning 3
  CT Electives- Choose 2-4 6-12
*BUS 1020 Computer Technology and Applications 3
*BUS 1060 Quick书 for Small 业务 3
+汽车1210年 Personal and Consumer Finance SS GE 3
*BUS 1300 Social Media Marketing 3
*BUS 1600 Entrepreneurship Seminars 1
*BUS 2222 Entrepreneurship 3
*BUS 2650 Management Principles for Entrepreneurs 3
  业务 Courses- Choose 4-6 12-19
  Total Required Credits 63

*Students may earn a concurrent Certificate of Proficiency in Entrepreneurship by completing these 7 business courses.

+Recommended if student plans on obtaining a 4 year degree.

Certificate of Proficiency in Construction Management

课程# Title Credit Hours
CM 1155 Construction Print Reading 3
CM 2020 Material and Methods 3
  Required Courses 6
CM 1200 Building Science Fundamentals 3
CM 1210 Construction Technologies Lab I 3
CM 1290 Residential Electrical Wiring 3
CM 1710 Construction Technologies Lab II 3
CM 2275 Construction Codes and Zoning 3
CM 2610 Architectural Drafting CAD 3
  CM Elective Courses- Choose 3 9
*BUS 1020 Computer Technology and Applications 3
*BUS 1060 Quick书 for Small 业务 3
*汽车1170年 Human Relations in Organizations 3
汽车1210年 Personal and Consumer Finance 3
*BUS 1270 Strategic Selling 3
汽车2200年 业务 Communications 3
汽车2450年 Presentations for 业务 3
  业务 Courses- Choose 1 3
  Total Credits 18

*Required for 业务 Entrepreneurial Certificate