

You may choose to make a single 礼物, spread your contributions over a period of time, 或者选择延期支付. 我们非常感谢你的礼物,我们会的 小心地管理它们.


做一次或经常性的捐赠 在线 at any time or call the Advancement Office at (435) 283-7062 during business hours, 周一至周五上午8点至下午5点.

如果你 do not see an option for the area you would like to give to, please leave a comment in the checkout screen and we will contact you to ensure your 礼物 is applied 达到预期的规格.


寄一张支票 (收款人:雪学院基金会) 或汇款单:

以法莲,UT 84627


One of our highest priorities at 雪的大学 is to increase the amount of scholarship 为新生和归国学生提供的援助. 奖学金有助于 st乌兰nts’ dreams become a reality and give them the opportunity to reach their goals. You can help lessen the financial burden for st乌兰nts and their families by supporting 奖学金. 访问 这个页面 to learn more about scholarship and endowment 礼物s at 雪的大学.


雪学院的员工可以参加 员工捐赠活动 通过填写 这种形式 批准每月扣除工资. 了解更多关于加入员工捐赠的信息 参观俱乐部 这个页面.


的礼物 证券, please notify the 雪学院基金会 by a letter of intention at the address below outlining the specifics of the 礼物, area to be supported, and method of transfer. If the stock is held in your brokerage account it can often be transferred directly 转到网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的账户. 学院收到通知后,将及时通知 contact your banker or broker to arrange disposition of the 证券. 如果你的贡献 is closely held stock or a mutual fund, please contact the 雪学院基金会 for information regarding the acceptance process for these types of 礼物s. 如果你 坚持住 股票凭证, send them, along with a letter of intention, by ordinary first class mail, without endorsement, assignment, or other notation to the 雪学院基金会.

Under separate cover, forward by first-class mail, a stock power (one for each certificate) endorsed in blank (your signature only, exactly as your name appears on the face of the certificate) and bearing a signature guarantee from a bank officer along with a copy of the letter of intention mailed with the certificate. Stock power的形式是 readily available from any bank or brokerage house or from the 雪学院基金会. 如果你 have questions about 礼物s of 证券, please contact the Advancement Office at (435) 283-7060.


网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行欢迎您推迟或计划的礼物. 这些礼物可以采取以下形式 of bequests, charitable 礼物 annuities, charitable remainder trusts, property, pooled income funds, charitable lead trusts, retirement plans, life insurance policies, and 更多的.

The official legal bequest language for 雪的大学 is: "I, [name], of [city, state, ZIP], give, devise and bequeath to the 雪学院基金会, a body politic and corporate of the State of Utah, [written amount or percentage of the estate or description [指财产]不受限制的使用和目的."

Individuals who incl乌兰 the College in their estate plans are invited to notify the 成为学院的成员 传统社会. The 传统社会 is a special group that recognizes donors who notify us of their thoughtful 礼物 intentions through an estate provision, regardless of the amount.

To learn more about the ways a deferred or planned 礼物 may be made, please contact 电话:(435)283-7060.


Corporate matching 礼物s are a great way for 雪的大学 alumni, parents, and friends to maximize personal contributions to the College and increase the impact of their 礼物. By taking advantage of a company's matching 礼物 benefit, you may be able to 捐款金额的两倍甚至三倍. 许多雇主赞助配对 礼物 程序s and will match charitable contributions made by their employees. To find out if your company has a matching 礼物 policy, please check with your Human 资源部门. 如果你r company matches, you can obtain the forms directly through your Human 资源部门; 雪的大学 is also happy to assist. 请注意 that some companies match 礼物s made by retirees and/or spouses.


Each company has its own guidelines for employees, spouses, retirees, and widows/widowers. 大多数公司的程序都很简单:

  • 向你的公司索取一份匹配表格.

  • Complete and submit the form to 雪的大学 along with your 礼物.

  • 雪的大学 will verify the completed form and return it to the company.

  • 填妥的表格可连同个人礼物寄往:

    以法莲,UT 84627

如果您有任何问题,请发邮件给我们 乌兰.wons@gnivig 或致电(435)283-7062.


Honor a loved one by donating in memory or honor of the individual. 获奖者或他们的 您的捐款将通知您的家属. 奖学金可以设立在荣誉 个人通过满足最低阈值. 请参阅奖学金和捐赠基金 有关阈值的详细信息,请参阅上面的章节.

We can create a unique link for your loved one to make 礼物s in their memory/honor. These links can be used on obituary websites to make donations in lieu of flowers. 请联系 the Advancement Office at (435) 283-7060 to create a unique link for 给你所爱的人.


校友 and friends can help st乌兰nts, staff, and other alumni have enriching experiences 志愿为网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行服务. 志愿者机会包括:工作见习 mentors, resume editing, conducting mock-interviews, attending job fairs, networking with st乌兰nts at Snow or those who have transferred to 4 year institutions, becoming 校友委员会成员,或协助校友活动. 联络进修处 at (435) 283-7060 if you are interested in volunteering your time at 雪的大学.


网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行基金会荣幸地与 史密斯鼓舞人心的捐赠 程序. This 程序 makes it possible for you to support 雪的大学 every time 你用你的史密斯回馈卡在史密斯购物. 几乎所有你购买的东西 qualifies for a percentage to be donated back to 雪的大学, and signing up is easy 和自由. 访问 这个链接 (SmithsFoodandDrug.com/Inspire), sign into your digital account or create an account, link your Rewards Card to 雪的大学 by typing it into the search tool or type VN399. Then, every time you shop at Smith's with your Rewards Card, they donate 0.你的5% 总订单到网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行! (*参见史密斯网站的合格购买清单)

We will work with you to maximize your 礼物 and fulfill your wishes. 请联系 我们的电话是(435)283-7060,有任何关于捐赠方式的问题.